
Days of Noah

What were the people doing before the flood? This split explores the similarities between their actions and society today in the form of seven Ps.

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Why Do We Pay Taxes?

Having proper submission in the church and as God's people.

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There Is a Way That Seems Right to a Man

Most people think they know how best to reach their untimate goals in life, right or wrong. Do you know the right way?

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Post COVID-19 Requires Action

Once a decision is made, our actions on those decisions are most important. Watching our drift and not looking back on our decisions is key. Action on our decisions can lead to success.

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Your Words: Choose Them Wisely

What is Good?

Dependence on God

The Duties of Citizenship

Our citizenship is in heaven but also our earthly citizenship requires us to obey laws and be good citizens. Look forward to our citizenship to a kingdom ruled perfectly here on earth.

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Do not fear. Rather, fear.


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7 Steps to Godly Decisions

What we decide to do in life, the decisions we make, directly affect the quality of life that we will have.

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